The Incident

The Incident

Janie Treeborne

There was an incident in my family that I was involved in. After Maw-Maw May died, Aunt Tammy tried to sell off timber from The Seven so she could build a house on The Seven.
Of course, 13-year-old me didn't like this at all. I was what many would call a feral child. I roamed those woods, and I could map out where I was in my mind, just like Maw-Maw May could.
Anyhow, I hired older kids, Lyle and Goodnight and a few others, to kidnap Aunt Tammy.  I didn't plan very well for after we kidnapped her, but if it wasn't for Aunt Tammy's dream of being a movie star, we probably would've got caught right away. Uncle Woot and many other townsfolk just assumed she ran off to Hollywood. 
I was scared and still regret what I did to my aunt. One night after hiding out in the woods, I got scared and I started running away, a branch caught my eye, and that's how come I have to wear this eyepatch.


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