
Expository Post

 Expository Post Heisman Brown ___________________________________      I chose to do the character blog as Janie Treeborne. I decided to use the older Janie Treeborne from the opening of the novel. I used the older Janie to make the blogs seem like she has experienced much and is knowledgeable about what she has to say. The content relates to Janie because most of it comes from her past experiences. She talks about her home, what happened to her Aunt Tammy, her grandmother, and her grandfather's art. The images relate to Janie because they symbolize her home, past and present. They also symbolize her family and experiences. For example, the peach pit was mentioned multiple times when her Aunt Tammy was kidnapped. The layout and style relate to the character because the layout is simple, and the style relates to Janie's love for nature. The novel showcases key elements of the novel because it describes the main dilemma and a description of Janie's past and interests. Janie&


  Advice Janie Treeborne Now y'all listen to this. Family is the most important thing there is and y'all should respect your family. Do as I say and not as I do. Fight for what you believe in and protect nature. I realized late that family is the most important thing there is. My Aunt Tammy and I were more alike than I cared to admit for a long time, and what I did to her will haunt me till I'm gone. Fight for what you believe in. Although I should have went about it differently, I still fought to protect The Seven. Finally, protect nature. Some may see nature as land to build on, but it can be home to others.


  Goals Janie Treeborne My goals have changed over the years. I once wanted to protect The Seven. It was my home and needed protecting. I'd like to say I succeeded, heck I kidnapped my aunt just to try to save it.  Now my goal has changed, the authority says I have to move from home because they are gonna blow that dam that my grandaddy helped build. But I'm not moving, my goal is to get washed away along with everything else that I consider to be my home.

My "Junk"

My "Junk" Janie Treeborne Through the years, I have enjoyed many things. I enjoyed spending time with my Maw-Maw May, I enjoyed hearing her stories. I also loved roaming around The Seven with her. Some of my favorite things, however, many of y'all would call junk. My Grandpa Hugh called his "junk" assemblies. I loved his art, and I enjoyed finding some of his work scattered around The Seven. Anyhow, my favorite of his assemblies was a dirt boy named Crusoe. I toted him along everywhere I went in my youth. Sometimes it would seem like he'd come to life.


Home Janie Treeborne My home is in Elberta, Alabama.  I currently live on the edge of a beautiful peach orchard that used to belong to Mr. Lee Malone. Before Lee got hold of it, the orchard belonged to Mr. Prince.  In my youth, I considered The Seven to be my home. Me and Maw-Maw May used to walk those woods together. I knew that place like the back of my hand, just like Maw-Maw May. I knew where every little creek was. I also remember the spot where Lee found Maw-Maw May's body. I wish I could forget that one spot. But all this wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for De Soto Dam that the authority wants to destroy. My grandfather helped build the dam. My daddy lived close to the dam once.

The Incident

The Incident Janie Treeborne There was an incident in my family that I was involved in. After Maw-Maw May died, Aunt Tammy tried to sell off timber from The Seven so she could build a house on The Seven. Of course, 13-year-old me didn't like this at all. I was what many would call a feral child. I roamed those woods, and I could map out where I was in my mind, just like Maw-Maw May could. Anyhow, I hired older kids, Lyle and Goodnight and a few others, to kidnap Aunt Tammy.  I didn't plan very well for after we kidnapped her, but if it wasn't for Aunt Tammy's dream of being a movie star, we probably would've got caught right away. Uncle Woot and many other townsfolk just assumed she ran off to Hollywood.  I was scared and still regret what I did to my aunt. One night after hiding out in the woods, I got scared and I started running away, a branch caught my eye, and that's how come I have to wear this eyepatch.

About Me

About Me Janie Treeborne Hey Y'all! My name is Janie Treeborne and I live in Elberta Alabama! I live on the edge of a peach orchard that I bought from an old friend. Anyhow, I am an old woman now, but I have a history that I love to tell visitors, and now I can tell y'all about it. I will also tell y'all about my town and the history of the folk from here.